Birthday Programs By Age
Always a drumming finale!
Delivered at a place of your choosing - OR VIRTUAL, we offer 3 programs based on target audience, always with a focus on the star of the day, of course! Events feature Jamtown multicultural instruments - OR FOUND SOUND INSTRUMENTS FOUND AROUND THE HOUSE (pre-event scavenger hunt!). Allow us to customizing our program to meet your fantastic birthday vision.
$350, plus travel uplift if over 20 miles.
Performance of 45 minutes for kids and 75 minutes for adult drumming. Up to 20 children plus adults ($10 each additional.) We provide Jamtown instruments for play and cover any incidental damages.
Ages 1-4 enjoy a music and movement journey. Folk songs, original songs, and in-the-moment music with input from everyone in the band make your special day a hoot! Shakers and sticks and drums of all kinds bring our stories to life! Jamtown John leads with a ukulele.
Ages 5-10 build a story learning to play bell, shaker, scraper and drum. Lots of input from the kids required! We say & play improvisational parts as the story builds and builds. Pick your favorite instrument for the BIG finale....drum roll please! We finish with a Jamtown Happy Birthday Jam with a surprise ending!
Ages 10 to 99 is a lighthearted hand drum workshop. We'll learn basis hand technique and patterns. We'll play a multi-part rhythm, like Salmon Run Drum, and offer all players a chance to shine. Just follow the conductor's visual and spoken cues and enjoy groove of your very own Birthday Band!
Confirm availability today! or 206 632 9136.