Tools of the Trade
Depending on the audience, one or more of these options will bring your group to musical life. Each has benefits that are unique. Tools work alone or in combination to create special points of awareness and memorable fun!
Body Percussion
Like our voices it's standard equipment for we humans. In short order, we can bring your group together in a rhythmic song - using snaps, claps, laps and taps. Great ice-breakers for large audiences and a perfect for other programs. Body percussion reinforces that the rhythm and spirit come from the inside - instruments are loud speakers!
Small Percussion Orchestra
Divide your group by sections of bells, scrapers (giuros), sticks/frogs, shakers and drums. Learn basic technique for play and interplay. We'll show you how to lead the band!
Handmade, fair trade instruments call out to be explored. Our programs feature five different voices that leads to easy play. Easy usually means good! So your group will fall in love with making music all over again!
Full Size Drums
The power of the bass and bright notes of the tone pound the hallmark sound of large drums. We'll experiment with group dynamics in remarkable ways that will create a lasting impression of fun and rhythmic play. We'll learn to play multi-part rhythms, gain understanding about the importance of each voice and feel the synergy of team work in a visceral way.
Festival Drums
We have access to this fantastic set of mammoth drums that create a fantastic visual installation you can play! These are the centerpiece of the Rhythm Tent stage at NorthWest Folklife each year during the Memorial Day weekend. Contact us to learn about how you can add this kind of excitement to your your festival or event. We can provide drums for your participants and facilitators to lead the band.
Boomwhacker Sound Tubes

Little Drums
For little jammers the real drum of choice is the 12" djembe from Ghana. They ride 'em like horses, which puts their hands in a good position and leaves the bottom uncovered for a bass sound riders can feel. Round up the horses and Gitty Up!